Monday, March 9, 2009

Utter Pradesh Votes

Election Dates:
  • April 16, 2009
  • April 23, 2009
  • April 30, 2009
  • May 7, 2009
  • May 13, 2009
Total Seat-80
Seat position-2004:
  • SP-35
  • BSP-19
  • BJP-10
  • Congress-9
  • RLD-3
  • SJP(R)-1
  • NLT-1
  • JD(U)-1
  • Independent-1

Gone are the days of national parties. It has become the tactics of survival.

There is an internal understanding between Sonia Gandhi and Mulayam Singh Yadav to ensure the win of their children as well as themselves.

Mayavathi is playing the combination of backward-brahmin game.

BJP has no option.

As always, Muslims are eager to capitalise through their vote bank.

Dear voters,

Expose the double standards.

Invite your candidates to share their credentials through this open platform.

Best Wishes Utter Pradesh!

Indian Citizen